Friday, 18 September 2015

Another Insurance Claim

I feel sorry for the Marsh Lane resident who has had the corner piece of his wall knocked down again.  He'll soon be able to count how many times on all his fingers.  Why on earth do they not put the bridge height limits in a sign visible from space, before they get past the point of no return.  The occasional driver is good at shunting but some just don't care and bulldoze the wall down.   Better still how about some Retford type bells.  No matter how many cars are parked at the end of  Albion Terrace, it still doesn't deter them.  My only hope is that they didn't tootle off without leaving their details.

I see that in the not too distant future, the Brickmakers Arms at Walkeringham will bite the dust with an application for demolition.  Shame really, I've spent a fair bit of time there over the years.

Anyway, no prizes for guessing what it will  be replaced with and probably not affordable to many, unless you are trading up.  We should make sure that when the Gravelholes site is developed, we get a good quota of affordable homes.

The view should change shortly at Lynhouse Farm, Linecroft Lane, or has it changed already, I'm not very observant.  The solar panel field has full approval with six rows.

The saga of the Station Street  mess continues.  This appear in the parish council minutes and I would assume there have been lots of complaints.

Do you see a  gate?  Or, even a style?

Sunday, 9 August 2015

A drought

As you will have noticed, there is a bit of a drought at the moment of tasty whispers circulating in my direction.

The old council depot shows little signs of movement although I did catch sight of the sheds open when I passed the other day. I suppose in due course we will find out 'wot is going on'.

The Victoria Institute money seem to be fermenting in some dusty vault, although fermenting might be the wrong word, turning into ashes might be a better description.  Nothing seems to be happening with this secret organisation, that holds the purse strings.  Spend on something useful for us all, I'm sure we all have a suggestion or two, but, instead they will probably debate what to do with it for ever while it dwindles in value and the trustees bicker.

The library site, what is happening there, probably all still under covers instead of keeping us in the picture.  Also the Misterton Centre, is that closing or not?.  It would be so nice to have an update or two.

The sign is still on the wall relating to the entrance to the lock path from Station Street.  I suppose in the fullness of time somebody will do something about it so just keep on using it.  I wonder though, who is going to pay for the replacement of the stile onto the canal bank?

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Electoral Boundary Changes

I've looked at this a few times but not really bothered much about it, thinking it was just another bit of tinkering by civil servants that are paid lots of money and related to a bit of fudging for those at the high table at Parliament.  But, it would appear it will affect us locally as  well.

Not sure I agree with the suggestions and I am sure there will be a lot of others will be shouting the odds as well.  Now I know Misterton is the largest village in Nottinghamshire but including all and sundry in the Misterton Ward is a bit too much for me to swallow.  Just take a look at this.  Talk about changes, seems a bit drastic to me, in fact bloody ridiculous.  Even the police have smaller backyards.  Fortunately it is a suggestion, presumably to garner comment and lots of interest.  Certainly got me interested 

Lets face it, for some in this village, West Stockwith is a foreign country!

Sunday, 12 July 2015

14th July 2015

If you are interested, that's the date of the next Parish Council meeting where an agenda item will be the  right of way relating to the Station Street access to the canal bank and the closure notice nailed to a house wall.

Now I have been told that an individual has been charged with getting in touch with Bassetlaw relating to this item, although in the same breath chocolate and fireguard were mentioned, if you get my drift. Why our District Councilor  has not been allowed to take over this I do not know, and at least then we have someone who will get the job done to everyone's satisfaction.

You get different versions of the 'chicken feathers' tale but the last one I heard was that a chicken ventured into a neighbour's van with a sleeping dog in the back, who woke up and snapped!  All this kerfuffle over a few feathers, somebody wants to get a  grip.

If you think we've got problems, so has Walkeringham, a planning application for 32 houses on Station Road.  Many complaints, lack of facilities, full school no doctor's surgery etc., etc.   At least we have an abundance of basic facilities within the village although we share the same problems with ancient infrastructure.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

No Stile?

Well getting back to the lane from the canal onto Station Street problem, it appears it was caused by the chickens!  Or rather the chickens were killed by a dog, presumably from off the towpath.  Now anybody who lets their dog(s)  chase chickens, ducks or sheep for that matter certainly wants blasting with the brown stuff.  However, it should be noted that these particular chickens were running loose and as country folk know, you fence in your own animals and for any mutt this might be a tad too tempting to resist, in fact I know of at least one  cat who would fancy his chance given a sniff at a chicken's backside.

However, best thing is to have a major rant, get some fencing, more chickens and shut up.  Ruffling even more feathers is not to be recommended, especially if you are relatively new to the village where something like this will still haunt you in 40 years time, assuming of course you are still here.

I understand that action is being taken to register this as a public footpath, as it always has been, so complainant should think twice about wasting his bucks on taking any legal manoeuvres that will hack off the natives even more.  Oh and get the stile put back, before somebody breaks their neck climbing over the fence, then you would be in the brown  stuff.

Monday, 8 June 2015

A Fading Memory

There seems to be little of interest at the moment, other than someone told me something about two weeks or more and I remember thinking that it would be of interest to a lot of people.  Unfortunately for the life of me I cannot remember what it was.  Never mind, something even more interesting has resurfaced.

The stile gate from the canal just before the lock gates on Station Street has been blocked off and a sign nailed up with a Trespass sign.  Oh dear, that is going to cause a bit of trouble in fact it has the potential for a lot of trouble.  Been there for donkey's years etc., but I suppose it will be a newcomer to the area.   You know the type, don't like the cock crowing, don't like the smell of manure or silage (gives you an appetite).   Well sit back and watch, can't imagine the waterways  authority will be too pleased, access for all etc.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Chesterfield Canal

Must be nice living near the canal, you wake up in a morning and you look over the canal and see the ducks, swans, the occasional river boat.  Then to spoil your nice view you see somebody walking down the tow path and looking in your  window, or a fisherman outside your back door on the towpath flicking his rod back and forth.  Or even worse, a few bags of dog poo, nicely bagged but chucked into your hedge.

Well someone has obviously got fed up and wants to close at least one entrance and exit to the canal.  From the direction whence he came, and whinged, I suspect it might be the entrance just before the lock gate on Station Street.  Well all I can say is good luck with that.  I shall watch with interest.

I see the Waterside Orchard development plans on Gringley Road have been resubmitted with two new houses instead of the three originally submitted. I just wish I had a spare postage stamp to build something on.

Still no news on the VI money and what is happening to it.  Poor communication altogether, especially with our money.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Fame and Fortune

Well after the excitement of the elections, yet another bit of good news.

I know for a fact that the Misterton piggy bank was not left in 2010 with a note saying "I'm afraid there is no money" but with an overflowing bank account.  This was due to our ex clerk David Wright's expertise in the legal department in negotiating a tricky trail on the Packet Inn deal and further filling the coffers with cash that was used to subsidise the Termperance Hall and Victoria Institute's upkeep.  All paid back when the Temperance Hall was sold, plus a big cut in the precept.

All despite the efforts of a small gang of people in Misterton who did their best to give him a rough time over his 11 years in Misterton.  I could write their names down but they are not even worth the virtual space.

Well things have changed in his life.  Going back to his early roots in music and after a lengthy absence  he's finally getting the recognition he deserves.  Since forming a recording band, Riff Reign, almost a year ago, he's released an album of his songs, and has been played on local radio stations, including Barnsley FM, Dearne FM, Rother FM and Trax FM.

But, he and his fellow musicians have also hit the spot further afield, getting considerable airplay on Croydon Radio. And now the band is to guest on the station's Eclectic Avenue Show on Saturday 23 May, from 6 to 7 pm.  Now playing music is one thing but writing it yourself is another and I forecast big bucks ahead for his bank account.  I'm certainly gonner keep that letter I got from him in the distant past with his signature on!
All the songs from the album can be listened to on YouTube or on the music page of the band's website: Riff Reign

I've got my favourite already.  Well there you go, you heard it here first.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Good Result (All Round)

Nice job when the right person wins, and with no ugliness, which is another bonus.  Some dithering on the voting though, 22 rejected votes.

Good result in Beckingham as well.

The only pity is that I didn't have a  bet on the General Election, I would have been well in pocket there.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Elections Nearly Over

Well at least we don't appear to have had any silliness this time with the District Council elections, although I wont hold my breath.

Mind you I did have a titter about one snippet repeated to me over the parish council annual litter pick.  One member of the parish council packed in early and went home for an hour, to come out again just before the bun fight at the pub, first loading a bin liner in his car full of his own rubbish. That's the thing with a village, your never know who is watching you.  I see no mention was made in the parish magazine about the amount of litter collected this year so we don't know if it was a good pick or not.

I see the Langley site owners have to reapply for planning permission, which of course will not be refused, but will give us chance to make sure we get the right type of housing for a village.  It is a pity that we don't get the option to insist that the major part is affordable housing but I suppose that won't make as much money for the developers.  I thought when it looked like the site was being tarted up it was because they were looking to build but apparently not, they are being leaned on to tidy up the site by Bassetlaw and one would hope, the parish council as well. 

One good thing is the fact that the planning permission for 50 Station Road has been kicked out well and truly on a number of issues, all highlighted by residents.  Details copied pasted from the Planning website below:

The Council have considered the application and hereby REFUSE PLANNING PERMISSION for the reasons set out below:


1.         The Bassetlaw Local Development Framework contains policy DM4, which states that permission will only be granted for residential development that is of a high quality design, respects the character of the area, provides adequate residential amenity for new and existing residents, and is of no detriment to highway safety.  The development, if permitted, would be contrary to this policy and would conflict with the objectives of the Local Development Framework.

2.         The proposed north facing first floor window of plot 2 would directly overlook the rear garden of 52 Station Street resulting in significant loss of privacy for the occupiers of this dwelling.  In addition it is considered that the proposed siting of plot 1 together with its scale and mass would unduly dominate the aspect and outlook of 52 Station Street.

3.         The proposed access is substandard in terms of its visibility and width.  The use of the access would be a hazard to vehicular traffic, to the detriment of highway safety.

4.         Policy DM8 of the Bassetlaw Local Development Framework states that the historic environment shall be protected and enhanced to secure its long term future and that any development that would be detrimental to the significance of the heritage asset or its setting, will not be supported.  Similar advice is contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.  50 Station Street has been identified as a non-designated heritage asset.  The proposal would result in the total demolition and loss of this building, resulting in significant harm to the significance of the heritage asset.  The development, if permitted, would be contrary to this policy and would conflict with the objectives of the Local Development Framework and the National Planning Policy Framework.

5.         The Bassetlaw Local Development Framework contains policy DM9, which states that development will be expected to demonstrate that it would not adversely affect or result in the loss of protected species.  Insufficient evidence has been submitted with the application to address the above and consequently, the development, if permitted would be contrary to the objectives of the Local Development Framework.

6.         Policy DM12 of the Core Strategy Bassetlaw Development Framework states that proposals for new development in Misterton will only be supported where it is demonstrated to the council's satisfaction that the proposed development will not exacerbate existing land drainage and sewerage problems.  Insufficient evidence has been submitted with the application to address the above and consequently, the development, if permitted would be contrary to the objectives of the Local Development Framework.


1         You are advised that as of 1st September 2013 the Bassetlaw Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule came into effect.  Whilst the above application has been refused by the Local Planning Authority you are advised that CIL applies to all planning permissions granted on or after this date. 
Thus any successful appeal against this decision may therefore be subject to CIL (depending on the location and type of development proposed).  Full details are available on the Council's website:-