Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Welcome to our Village

Was this appendage really necessary.  The sign was nice enough as it was, was there really any need to have more expense and tack something else on underneath, something that doesn't really mean anything since the majority of vehicles are passing through.  Wouldn't - Please Drive Carefully -  have been more appropriate.
What's wrong with this - less is better

Some one told me that not that many years ago the Parish Council didn't have a pot to pee in and was operating on the breadline.  Since the injection of capital from the Packet Inn site, the present incumbents seem intent on depleting this so that they are back to scratching their backsides for cash. Maybe that's the idea.

That Jubilee Garden still hasn't endeared itself to me, no matter how hard I try to like it. Pretentious stone that would look a lot better in a town garden, and even then I suspect anybody with a bit of taste wouldn't have gone for that particular shade of stone to sit in the middle of an old village.  That particular spot is certainly not as well used as it was before.  A nice piece of grass somewhere would improve it's barren appearance, without us having to rely on the grass provided on the road side by the district council. 

There was a great deal of spouting at the time that it hadn't cost us anything.  Well it had, that money came from our savings fund, the one that  belongs to the residents of this village.  Were we asked whether we should spend that much money on a garden that isn't really a garden, more like a monument.  No, and perhaps if they had there might have been more input from residents on what we really wanted.  Might even have been somebody local who would have done it much cheaper and known how to plant the stuff in it properly.  So much could  have been done given the size of the plot after the old bank had been demolished.

Despite its fame there are very few photographs around of this monument to our Queen, other than the ones taken when vandals attacked it.

The only thing you can say now is it barely gets looked at as we pass by and maybe shake our heads.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your comments on this present Parish Council. they appear to be out of touch with the Misterton residents and want to spend money needlessly.I have noticed that the lights that previously were supposed to light up the 'stone' have been changed but the new system does not appear to be working. have they omitted to pay the electricity bill? And as for the poor display of Christmas lights well its pathetic for Misterton. It appears to get less each year, much less than 4 years ago. Now it's ,No doctors surgery,No Co-op,No Church cross, What is next year going to be like, oh, and the cost is far greater than it ever was. Glad to see that they did not move the big tree on windmill gardens.
